The Almost Eden Garden Project
is currently funded exclusively by individuals who know and love
our mission and by our annual seedling "sales" each spring and fall.
If you are interested in
financially supporting the
Almost Eden Garden Project,
we would be incredibly grateful!
Here are some ways to help:
Contribute to our general supply fund
To do so, please make checks out to "St. Andrew's United Methodist Church" and be sure to put "Almost Eden" in the notes line, or Venmo @Pamela-Chesavage.
Donate a specific item
We are always in need of new (or in excellent shape) pruners,
gloves and trowels, as well as vegetable and flower seeds and seedlings
for the current growing season - just contact Pamela if you’d like to donate.
Donate a gift card
We love (and get most of our supplies at)
Home Depot, Ace Hardware and Costco - gift cards are incredibly helpful!